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Max and I flew to Sydney and had a very special two weeks with Nana and Papa. Max really enjoyed hanging out with his grandparents and we also stayed with and caught up with my two lovely Godmothers (Auntie Mim and Auntie Bev) and also my Uncle Russell and Auntie Kay and my cousins.

Max with Papa in the wave pool


Seems pretty fearless with water...padding over to Nana.


Learning about sand castles


With Nana

...and Papa


And Uncle Russell and Auntie Kay

Cousin Mike, Caroline, Tom, Ben, Joel and Abigail came to visit up at the beach house. Max took rather a shine to Abigail!


With cousins Rachel and Megan and Lexi and their tribes...




Horsey rides


On verandah at the beach house....Max seems to be firmly holding on!

Sweeping with Papa was a favourite occupation


Please Nana read me a story - I promise not to wriggle so much!

Terrorising the floor boards